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How The Program Works
Steps To Success
School chooses a liaison to coordinate class consent forms, scheduling and follow up.
An introductory letter is sent home to parents explaining the eye examination program and how it can benefit their child. The letter will be translated into different languages to accommodate multi lingual parents.
Attached to the letter is a consent form to be filled out by the parent / guardian and returned to the school. Completed form must include insurance information.
If a child requires eyeglasses, they are aided by the Eye on Education team to select a suitable pair.
A summary letter is sent home to each parent with our findings.
Students who require eyeglasses will receive them professionally adjusted and fitted, within 14 days
"My child has been struggling in school since 2nd grade. Despite attending after school programs and hiring tutors, his grades and participation continued to suffer. When Dr. Cohen visited my son's school, we where shocked to learn his eyesight was extremely poor, the root cause of his learning disabilities. Thank You for Helping our Family!"
SY - Ateret Torah
As an educator, I know the value of how eyesight will affect a student's attention in the classroom. I was however blown away at the percentage of students Eye on Education diagonsed with a vision impairment. I highly encourage all schools, private and public to participate in this program. The students and parents have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
AR-Parent Coordinator
"My son was complaining that his vision was getting worse weekly. I participated in Eye on Education through his school, and they discovered a brain tumor. I didn't know that was possible simply from having his eyes checked. Thank you for saving his life!
- Mother of 12 year old child
Thank you so much for hosting your services at our school. What you do goes a LONG way in low income neighborhoods like ours. I look forward to working with you in the future! Here is a picture of our happy learners with their new eyeglasses.
- Christina Coscia
District Pre-K 20

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